Where Mind and Body Matters.

  • Our Mission

    The Lotus Space is a metaphysical community created to help you tap into your full potential.

    We believe Mind and Body Matters.

    How can we help you create a well rounded lifestyle?

  • Our Story

    Mental health stigmas have long been avoided and overlooked. The Lotus Space was created to help bring awareness to the importance of not just physical health, but mental health too. We want to help guide you on the path to a brighter future.

  • The Lotus Space Can Help You With That.

    Have you checked in with your self today?

    Not sure where to start?

    We can help you with that. All products sold by The Lotus Space will include elements that focus on both mind and body health. Our blog provides articles that promote mind and body wellness. Through our blog’s comment section, you can exchange thoughts with other like minded people.

  • Future Manifestations

    The Lotus Space is working towards opening a non-profit animal rescue that will be open to the public. The hope is to provide daily activities for children who need a safe space and healing. Equine therapy is known to help build confidence, self-efficiency, communication, trust, perspective social skills, impulse control, provide comfort when sad. and teaches boundaries. The Lotus Space Rescue will also house meditation events that will include sound bowls, fire meditation, and more.

Life Coaching with a Spiritual Twist


Life Coaching with a Spiritual Twist +

Life Coaching Can Help Change Your Life For The Better.

Life Coaching packages provide tools, advice, and reassurance. The practices used are based on studies and articles from books such as "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne and "The Power Of The Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy. Financial guidance stems from books like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki.

For more information, Check out the Life Coaching Packages Shop below:

Looking For Strictly Tarot Readings?

Opportunities don’t happen,

You Create Them

It all begins with an idea. Having a safe space to express it is just an added bonus. The Lotus Blog provides articles and conversations that will assist you on your spiritual journey and help you tap into your inner manifestation power.

Herbal Salt Bath Collection

Since ancient Egyptian times, herbal salt blends have been used for spiritual, mental, and physical health purposes. Paired with intention-setting activities, you can create a powerful tool to help you shape the reality you desire. Check out the newest blog entry.

Reap the benefits of our Pure Epsom Salt use in all Herbal Bath Blends

Adding our Herbal Epsom Salt Blend Bath to your skincare regimen will help nourish your skin while bringing you a stress-relieving experience with the help of our intention-setting guide.

Pure Epsom Salt is well known for helping to soothe tired, achy muscles. It is also known to help refresh your skin’s appearance making it a vital part of your skin care routine.

Relax with our herbal salt bath blends. Each blend is packaged with an intention setting activity to help prepare for the weeks to come.

Follow Your Intuition. It Will Always Lead You On The Right Path


Follow Your Intuition. It Will Always Lead You On The Right Path <>