Finding Your Purpose(s)

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Interconnected Purposes in Life

The idea of having a single purpose in life has always been a subject of contemplation and debate. While some adhere to the idea that we are born with a singular mission, I find that our existence is a tapestry woven with a series of interconnected purposes. Life, in its enigmatic essence, is a journey leading us towards our highest potential through a series of purposeful detours and illuminating experiences.

If you take the time to observe the intricate dynamics of nature, we witness the interconnectedness of every living thing and how their contributions contribute to the greater whole. In the tapestry of life, each thread plays a role in shaping the final masterpiece. Similarly, we, as human beings, possess inherent qualities that intertwine and synthesize with the lives and destinies of those around us. Consider the transformative power of relationships, for instance. Our paths often intertwine with others, and through these encounters, we find purpose and meaning. A simple act of kindness may ripple through the lives of countless individuals, creating a chain of interconnected purposes that touch and transform countless souls.

Often, life presents us with unexpected detours and unforeseen challenges that may seem to divert us from our perceived purpose. Throughout life we will go through periods of fog that will leave us in self reflection of who we are and what we want to be. In this interconnected tapestry, no experience is wasted, for even the most mundane or challenging moments have the potential to become profound catalysts for personal development. Every setback, every heartache, and every triumph weave together to form the unique fabric of our individual narratives. We are constantly evolving, and our interconnected purposes are fluid, evolving as we do, adapting to the ever-changing circumstances we encounter.
To fully understand the depth and breadth of our interconnected

Navigating Through the Fog

The most powerful tool that you can teach yourself is how to remain calm and grounded during those periods in life where you feel farthest from your purpose. Life is a series of ups and downs, like a roller coaster, right? There may even be a few loops and drops along the way. The first step to help you navigate through the fog is to find an outlet. What is your way of releasing this pent-up negative energy? Can you write out your feelings or work out every day? Maybe you love to run to clear your mind. Make sure you are implementing healthy habits in your life. Even when you don't feel like it, push yourself. A healthy body leads the path to a healthy mind.

Next, create a vision board. What are your goals for the next year? What are your goals for the next 5 years? Get organized and start to hold yourself accountable for going after your goals. Think about the things you used to love as a kid or the things that brought you pure joy and happiness. Start with the places or things that you put aside in order to prioritize bills and everyday life. Most people do not see the journey to accomplish their goals. Social media highlights our achievements and successes, but you rarely see the blood, sweat, doubts, and tears that went into obtaining and maintaining that success.

No one said success would be easy; but I can promise you once you make it, you will not regret the hard work you put into yourself and following through with your goals. I also find that as you continue to check out boxes for the goals your accomplished, you learn more about yourself and what really makes you happy. Each of theses goals and experiences are separate purposes that lead you to obtaining your highest potential.

Don’t Be Hard On Yourself, We All Get Off Track Sometimes

No one on this Earth is perfect. Remind yourself that you are only human and that rest is also an important part of your growth. Sometimes when we push ourselves too hard or things start to fall apart unexpectedly, we can get very discouraged and become hard on ourselves. 99.9% of the time, these falls serve to guide us towards something better. This redirection helps us become more confident and helps us get back on the path to our purposes. The best thing you can do for yourself is to take time to learn your body so that you can learn to trust your intuition. The better connected you become to yourself and your energy, the easier it becomes to navigate through the unexpected and not lose sight of the end goal.

If you have been feeling unsure lately as you navigate through the unknown, make sure to take at least 30 minutes a day to sit in silence. If you have a hard time sitting, you can also take a walk outside in nature. During this time, observe your thoughts and feelings. Let them go in one ear and out the other as they come and go. When your thoughts become anxious, do deep breathing exercises to calm your thoughts again.

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