Each year on the 8th of August, there is one night when the stars shine their brightest. It is when Orion's belt aligns with the Earth, opening the Lions Gate Portal. This annual event draws attention to certain thoughts or things in our lives that need to change in order to manifest our dreams before the new year begins.
August 8th is a perfect time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. First, take the time to assess your year so far. What have you accomplished, and what have you learned? You can write these thoughts down or contemplate them in your mind. Next, determine what you want to achieve in the coming year.
After answering the questions above, dedicate 15 minutes to silently visualize the moment when you achieve your goal. Envision every detail of that moment - the sights, sounds, tastes, and feelings. Who is present with you? What does the surrounding environment look like? How do you feel? What are you saying, and what are others saying to you? Immerse yourself fully in this visualization, allowing the emotions to wash over you. You may choose to enhance this experience with a sound bowl meditation or soothing nature sounds playing in the background.
To finish off your day, create a visual board for your goals in the next year. If you do not have a poster board, scissors, glue/tape, and a printer to create this, you can always create a visual vision board on Pinterest or Visuapp.
After completing this, at night before bed, thank the Universe for all it has given you and all that is to come. The Lion's Gate Portal provides the extra oomph to help push your manifestation to fruition. A little extra magic never hurts.
And If you missed the Lion's Gate Portal on August 8th, you can still utilized the practices above to help manifest your goals.
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